Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Meet the Artist : Valerie Ng

Maya Gallery sat down with Valerie Ng to find out how she brings inspiration to the canvas and where to find the best trees in Singapore!

Gallery (G) : You have mentioned earlier that Finland inspired you with its environment and nature. Would you say that works in Colourful Chaos reflect the time you spent there? And if so, in what way did it affect you as an artist?

Valerie Ng (VN) : I would say in general that doing artist residencies overseas (Vermont, Iceland and Finland) and in the countryside area or even local rainforest really inspired me with the open spaces and the variety in fauna and changes in environment/weather. So colours and macro-textures are reflected. Feeling of space, freedom and time taken to absorb nature while walking thru the forest or landscape gives me more inspiration.

G : How would you describe the works on showcase at Colourful Chaos?

VN : Earthy colours. Textured. Flow of nature. Abstract impression.

G : Is there a certain reflection of yourself as an individual in the works?

VN : Not really personally, but I think of painting as a transfer of energy in the strokes and mood in the colours though these in turn are absorbed from surroundings. I guess I like how even though sometimes the surface and colours are chaotic, they come together as a whole and that is the instinctive part of doing abstract works that comes from individual expression as they do not directly represent anything.

G : How long were you in Malaysia before you came over to Singapore? Did you feel a change in environment that translated through your works?

VN : Over 20 years. It's a more dense urban environment but I wouldn't say my works changed because of it, as I wasn't really painting seriously when I was in Malaysia. The jungle fauna/flora is still similar - just have to go to certain pockets to find it in Singapore. There are still some really nice huge trees behind Queenstown or even on Orchard Road. I guess I gain more inspiration when I travel overseas and get to feel more relaxed spaces and open landscapes. I guess my earlier works were more dense and geometric while it has evolved into more freeflowing and organic works.

Works by Valerie Ng can be viewed at Maya Gallery. Colourful Chaos runs till the 19th of February.

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